Wednesday, September 13, 2006

One month to go...

Now the count down really can begin. If all goes to plan one month from today we should be boarding a plane to Lusaka.

So, this seems like a pretty good time to explain how exactly I found myself waiting to be shipped off to Southern Africa.

My 12 month (hard-worked filled) adventure has been organised as part of Youth for Development or YfD, a programme run by Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) open to 18-25 year olds. In VSO’s own words: ‘YfD offers young volunteers a chance to use their skills and to make a tangible contribution to fighting poverty.’ Volunteers are matched to a placement with a VSO partner organisation based in the global south and work with that organisation as if they were any other normal employee for up to 12 months.

As part of yfd I have to undertake a Global Education Project the objective of which is to increase international understanding and challenge stereotypes. The majority of my project is going to take place in a primary school in Chipping Norton, a small village outside my home town of Oxford, UK. Hopefully I’ll be able to post some things about how that’s going up here. The other part of the project will be this blog – so if anyone has any thoughts, comments, questions or corrections! please do post them up.

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