Friday, October 06, 2006

One week and counting...

This time next week we'll have been in the air for almost an hour - hopefully having avoided any delays or fines for trying to pack everything bar the kitchen sink as they say.

Am I prepared? ummmm I'm getting there. I quit my temp job last Friday and my brain has slowly begun to recover from a summer's worth of numbness. I'm still a little frightened to start packing my bags in fear of finding I can't squeeze in half of what I'm planning to take. I might have to see how many t-shirts, skirts and knickers I can wear at once to free up some room!

On a more positive note, I've received a few emails from Richard, a VSO volunteer, who has been working for my soon-to-be employer since February. He informs me I'll be working for three organisations - Chisomo Home Based Care, Kwacha Kum'mawa and Tikondane Home Based Care alongside over 20 volunteer HIV peer educators. Apparently, I have a blank canvas to refresh the whole peer education programme, which seems like a hell of a challenge but I suppose I asked for it.

It seems Henry and I have been allocated a fairly large house on the outskirts of Chipata although we may have to settled for the minimalist interior look until we find time to furnish the place. Richard describes Chipata as 'a scruffy town' that has changed very little in the last forty years, where everyone is friendly and most importantly the two restaurants in town serve veggie curry - woo hoo!

Oooo I almost forgot I have bought a travel sewing kit - why is it that when you're going abroad you buy things you'd never dream of using in the UK - I can't remember the last time I picked up a needle and thread. Next on the shopping list is Pick-Up-Sticks...

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